Being A Matthew 25 Church

35…for I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick, and you took care of me, I was in prison, and you visited me.” – Matthew 25:35–36

As a Matthew 25 congregation, we practice making it a priority to respond to those who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, cold, sick, and oppressed. It is what we believe God calls us to do. We work to put our faith into action by making God’s love tangible in the lives of those who struggle. This is part of our identity as a church and a clear way that we Shine God’s Light, demonstrating the love of God in our community and beyond.

Therefore, this week we rejoice that the Flemington Borough Planning Board voted 5 to 1 to approve the request from Family Promise for a zoning variance so they can reconfigure and use the house offered to them by Calvary Episcopal Church! The home located next to the nearby church will serve as transitional housing for families vetted by Family Promise who need a safety net for a short period of time while finding a place of their own.

You may know there were loud, grumbling voices firmly against this idea for fear of having “those people” in their neighborhood. Members of our church and many other local faith communities stood beside Family Promise’s request understanding that the availability of this home was a gift from God for such a time as this – as the need for transitional housing is great and the options are few. There were many long meetings with presentations by a lawyer, architect, and church leadership on why this proposed change would be beneficial for the community – as well as time for those against the idea to voice their concerns. In the end, the board voted to allow the variance, and so we rejoice believing that we are charged by God to look out for and provide for those in need. Thanks be to God and to the planning board for discerning a way forward that offers hope to those in distress!

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Amy