Sanctuary Easter Flowers: As we prepare for this joyful Easter season, we invite you to participate in a special tradition by sponsoring Easter flowers to beautify our sanctuary. These beautiful flowers symbolize the hope and renewal of Easter, and your sponsorship can be given in honor or memory of a loved one. To participate, please use this order form. The suggested price is $15 per plant. All orders must be to the church office by April 10.
Easter flower deliveries: if you would like to volunteer to deliver flowers and share the joy of Easter, or if you know a member who should be added to the list to receive flowers, there will be a sign-up table in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday. Please contact the church office with any questions.
Easter Egg Hunt Donations: The Christian Education Committee is asking for donations of small wrapped candy and/or toys that we can put in plastic Easter eggs for children to find. Please bring any donations to Sunday worship or drop off donations at the Parish House during the week on or before Friday, April 4. Our youth will be stuffing eggs on Friday, April 4. Thank you very much for your continued support!
One Great Hour of Sharing: Providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed.
Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. Join with Presbyterians worldwide in sharing God’s love with our global neighbors in need. This Lenten season, please give generously to One Great Hour of Sharing.
36% supports the Presbyterian Hunger Program, which is committed to ending hunger globally.
32% supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, which is committed to helping others repair from disaster during and beyond the initial aftermath globally.
32% supports Self-Development of People, which is committed to helping communities around the world gain the skills they need to improve their communities.
Please support One Great Hour of Sharing by writing a check to FPC with “OGHS” in the memo line or by donating online through our website: Choose "Give Online," the Fund "Special Offerings," and the Sub Fund "One Great Hour of Sharing" now through April 20. Thank you for Shining God’s Light!
Lenten Prayer and Study: You are invited to Lenten Prayer and Study each Wednesday in Lent beginning at 6 p.m. in the Parish House. We will gather to pray, and as we lift our joys and concerns, we will intentionally focus on turning towards God with our whole hearts. We will also read the daily Lenten devotional reading together and offer support to one another. All are welcome!
Acolytes Needed: The Worship Committee is looking for two children to serve as acolytes for the Good Friday service on April 18 at 7:30 p.m. If your child is interested in participating, please reach out to Jenn Willis for more details.
Little Food Pantry Needs: Our Little Food Pantry is so highly used by the community, FPC volunteers restock it four times a week. Our current needs are shelf milk (e.g., Horizon or Parmalot brands or similar), small juice boxes, and microwave mac and cheese. Please drop donations off in the Parish House foyer basket, or you can write a check to FPC with LFP in the memo line. You can also donate from our regular inventory list: Small cereal boxes; chicken/tuna packets; Campbell’s soup; nutrition bars; bottled water; canned ravioli/pasta; toothpaste; coffee pods; toothbrushes; shelf milk (small cartons); fruit juice; and tampons. Thank you for shining God’s light!
The Good Samaritan Fund Needs Your Support! Can you help us raise $5,000 for FPC's Good Samaritan Fund? The Good Samaritan Fund gives one-time support to verifiable emergency needs to people who "fall through the cracks" in our community. We've already helped this year...
- Curt and his elderly mother, supported their rent (down the street from FPC)
- Rachel, a recent visitor to FPC, who was in the hospital with leukemia complications; her mother, recovering from breast cancer, is watching her daughter. We helped with her storage.
- The families impacted by the house fire down the street from FPC, included two families.
These families and more are immensely grateful to receive help in an urgent time of need. And because of you - we can be there for them.
To give to the fund, simply put a check in the offering or send it to the church office with "Good Samaritan Fund" in the memo. You can also donate online under the Special Offerings - Good Samaritan Fund drop down. Thank you for supporting FPC's Good Samaritan Fund and helping to Shine God’s Light in times of darkness.
Online Worship: Do you worship with us online? When you do, we’d love to know you have joined us by liking or commenting on the video. This helps us develop and maintain connections with everyone in our church community and allows us to report weekly worship attendance accurately. If you are watching with other people, please let us know that as well!
2025 Giving Pledges: As we approach 2025, please consider making a giving pledge for this new year. Pledges allow the church to plan and budget for the coming year by helping us to predict future giving. Pledge cards have been mailed to our members and are available at the church, or you can pledge online at As a reminder, you can make gifts directly online through the link at Giving — Flemington Presbyterian Church. For additional convenience, when giving online, you can set up a recurring payment to the church. You may also want to check with your bank to see if you can set up regular payments directly from your checking account. Giving in this way saves the Church the processing fees from the online portal. Finally, you may wish to see if your employer offers a giving match program that would apply to giving to Flemington Presbyterian. Enrolling in such a program would effectively double each dollar you donate to FPC.
Prayer Requests: If you would like to submit a Prayer Request to be included in the Sunday morning Prayers of the People in worship and/or the Prayer section of the e-newsletter, you have several options:
Call the church office at 908-782-3227 to tell Cindy or leave a message, or email Rev. Amy at
Drop a prayer request note in the wooden collection box hanging on the sanctuary wall.
Send in your prayer via our website at
And remember, our Prayer Chain is YOU! As members of Flemington Presbyterian Church, we ask that you practice the spiritual discipline of holding one another up in prayer regularly, especially those who are in a particular time of struggle. Let us actively care for each other by holding each other up to God, praying for God’s will, and maintaining our unity in the Holy Spirit as God weaves our lives together into a unique and beloved tapestry.
Coffee Hour Hosts! Meet people and make new friends by signing up as a Sunday fellowship hour host! All food items are provided by the Fellowship Committee. Directions are posted in the kitchen for setting up and cleaning up. Sign up at
Help with Rides to Church: We are looking for volunteers to provide rides to church for church members. If you can help, please email, and we will email you the SignUpGenius link.
ShopRite Gift Cards: By purchasing a ShopRite gift card, you can support both your family and the FPC Bell Choirs. Don't shop at ShopRite? ShopRite gift cards also are appreciated by local food pantries, struggling to help more people at this time. Email Margaret Sheneman at to arrange for purchase and delivery.
Pastoral Visit: If you desire a pastoral visit at home or while in the hospital, please call (or have someone contact) the church office at 908-782-3227. Due to HIPAA regulations (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act), hospitals are not permitted to call the church office or give out patient information over the phone. With your help and understanding, we hope to maintain the level of care our congregation has come to expect. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Rev. Amy Lincoln at 908-782-3227, ext. 11.
Donate Your Used Eyeglasses: Drop your used reading glasses, prescription glasses, sunglasses, and eyeglass cases in the labeled collection box in the church library in Fellowship Hall. They will be sent to Crosslink Memphis, a 501(c) (3) medical mission supply ministry, on a regular basis.
Ongoing Opportunities for Engagement
We have many ongoing opportunities to get involved at FPC: youth events, ushers, lay readers, children’s message leaders, coffee hour hosts, committee participation, bell choir Shop Rite cards, flower dedications, and more. Details are available on our Ways to Engage page. We encourage you to jump in! No experience or long-term commitment necessary. You can also let us know your interests in how you might contribute to building up our faith community by completing the Time and Talent Sharing Form.
General Information
To hear the service more clearly, you are invited to use one of the church’s personal radio receivers. Inquire from an usher.
Large print materials for worship are available on the first pew at the front of the sanctuary near the East Main Street entrance. These materials include bibles, hymnals, and bulletins.
Announcements for the weekly e-newsletter, website, and social media are due to the office by noon on Wednesdays. Please forward them to
Hospital Visits: If you desire a pastoral visit while in the hospital, please call (or have someone contact) the church office at 908-782-3227. HIPAA regulations (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) prohibit hospitals from contacting the church office or giving out patient information over the phone. With your help and understanding, we can maintain the level of care our congregation has come to expect.
Email Scam Alert This is a general reminder to please be on alert regarding scams requesting assistance from the church or from Pastor Amy, particularly in the form of gift cards. Our church staff would never send emails or texts requesting gift cards or similar assistance. Pastor Amy's email address is; emails received from any address other than that are not genuine. If you are ever unsure of the authenticity of church communications, please call the church office or email Cindy Hall at or Jamie Evans at