Volunteers in Mission


What is Volunteers In Mission (VIM)?

For the last forty-five summers, our congregation has sent between 30 to 60 teens and adults to help folks living below the poverty level in rural, western Maine. The roots of the program date from 1970, when small health teams spent a summer week in the coal regions of West Virginia and Ohio.

Since 1979, the program has served the elderly, disabled, single parent families, and low-income families in a 1000 square-mile area coordinated by Mission at the Eastward. The Mission was created in 1954 to help rural churches survive in this region of constant economic struggle. Flemington, in its 45-year journey with the Mission's housing rehabilitation program, has completed over 400 worksites. 

Our volunteers spend one full week in Maine hammering, sawing, painting, and sweating to build ramps, roofs, and sheds. They insulate, replace siding, windows and doors, close in porches, add railings, paint houses, and build steps, decks, and bathrooms. From 15 to 20 sites are completed in that one week every year. They also run a vacation Bible school for youngsters of the area, a week which those children look forward to every year and remember forever.


The richness of the Spiritual benefits brought about by participation in VIM has been discussed for over four decades. They are born of passion, devotion, and fellowship; of adults bonding with teens and parents strengthening bonds with their own children. Taken together, they have brought new members to our church and held others here. They are the Good Work that helps to create "community," a community which reaches from Central Maine to Central New Jersey. 

For questions about VIM, contact the VIM Team (VIMTeam@flemingtonpres.org) or the church office.


This past summer was the 45th trip to Maine for the VIM team. The 2024 FPC VIM team consisted of 26 adults and teens that once again accomplished a vast amount of work at numerous work sites.

The cost of the trip is offset by donations in the form of "stock sales," fundraising breakfasts, and fees for individual members to participate. 


The annual VIM dinner and multimedia show celebrates the prior summer's mission. Over 125 people come and enjoy a delicious dinner and 90 minute thrill-packed show! If you want to learn about VIM, copies of the shows are available on a flash drive for a donation of $15. You may contact the church office to request a flash drive of the VIM multimedia shows.

Contributions to VIM are always welcome and are put to good use by the team for trip expenses and materials needed for the work. Those who wish to contribute can do so by mailing a check made out to Flemington Presbyterian Church with VIM in the memo. Or go to our website Giving page and click the "Give Online" button. On the next page, select "VIM  - Volunteers in Mission" when you "Choose a Fund." You can also help out by signing up for a casserole or other food donation during the period of this collection.

Get a sense for what our mission trip is all about by watching this short video.

2025 Trip Information and Application - July 19-26, 2025

Please read the Briefing document prior to completing your application so you are familiar with the plans and requirements of this mission trip. Be sure to choose the application form appropriate for your age group. Adults must complete the Adult application and the MATE Volunteer Information form. Leaders in Training much complete the LIT application and the MATE Volunteer information form. Teens must complete the Youth application, the Youth Medical form, and the MATE Volunteer information form. The MATE Volunteer information form is an online form. All other forms need to be printed, completed, and submitted according to the instructions on your form.

Briefing document

Adult application

Leader in Training application (ages 18 - 24)

Youth application

Youth Medical form

MATE Volunteer Information form