Stephen Ministry
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
-Galatians 6:2
Stephen Leaders: Kathy Knight, Cindy Hall, and Rev. Amy Lincoln
Stephen Ministers: Anita Christman, Bob Zeh, Tanya Cleary, Marion Laban, Emily Burghardt, Gabrielle Winther
Stephen Ministry is Christ caring for people through people. It is named for Stephen, who was the first lay person called by the early church to assist the apostles in caring for others. Stephen ministers are members of our congregation who have received 50 hours of caregiving training and minister confidentially to people who are hurting or going through a tough time.
If you or someone you know would like to inquire about receiving care from a Stephen Minister, contact the Pastor or speak with one of the Stephen Ministers.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, email or speak with the Pastor or one of the Stephen Ministers.
This international program has touched more than two million people in need through more than 100 denominations.
Below are some of their stories.
I Can Tell Him Anything from Stephen Ministries on Vimeo.
Megan's Story