Parents Night Out
Games, crafts, dinner, and a movie- come in your jammies! Donations accepted for the Youth Group Fund. RSVP to
Games, crafts, dinner, and a movie- come in your jammies! Donations accepted for the Youth Group Fund. RSVP to
Youth Group will celebrate Annual Rubber Duck Day in Fellowship Hall. Join us for games, races, and snacks!
All are invited to the Volunteers in Mission multi-media extravaganza! Join us for dinner and a show in Fellowship Hall in celebration of the many stockholders, parents, family, and friends who so generously sponsor this wonderful mission. The VIM team provides dinner - just come and enjoy it. Through pictures, video clips, music, and dialog, VIM participants and leaders will tell the exciting story of how our entire congregation annually participates in an extraordinary mission to families who truly need us.
Are you wondering what VIM is or are you interested in a future trip to Maine with the VIM team? Come and learn about what we do.
Welcome to our Christmas Eve services, both in person and online, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
4:00 p.m. A jam-packed sanctuary and a LOT of energy as our children re-enact the Christmas story, sing the songs of the season, and conclude with a very boisterous rendition of “Joy to the World!” Worship bulletin
8:00 p.m. This traditional service of lessons and carols will feature the familiar scriptures of the birth of our Lord, with inspirational music by the Chancel Choir and the lighting of the Christ candle. We will share in the singing of “Silent Night,” filling our sanctuary with light as the glow of candlelight passes from one to another. Then, we conclude with the triumphant strains of “Joy to the World!” Worship bulletin
10:00 p.m. This meditative service of lessons and carols will feature the familiar scriptures of the birth of our Lord, accompanied by inspirational instrumental and vocal music. Quiet carols and prayers will inspire. At the conclusion of the service, we will leave with the strains of “Silent Night” and the glow of candlelight warming our hearts with the deep joy of the season. Worship bulletin
We invite all people for whom Christmas is a difficult season to gather with us in Fellowship Hall as we journey through loss and grief, remembering the gifts of light and hope that God offers to us at Christmas.
Join us during worship as our sanctuary fills with the joyous sounds of a string orchestra and choir in the presentation of this year's Christmas cantata: Glory To the Newborn King, A Choir Service of Scripture and Song, composed and directed by Dr. Carmen Scialla, with the Flemington Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir, and Chamber Orchestra. Narrated by Rev. Amy Lincoln.
All ages are invited to join us for Christmas caroling on Sunday, December 15! We will leave from the parking lot at 12:45 pm and visit Hunterdon Medical Center and Independence Manor to spread Christmas cheer, singing familiar carols while offering well wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Help "Shine God's Light" on our friends who can't be with us.
Join us for fun at the Youth Group Christmas party! Wear festive clothes! Bring your singing voice and a $10 White Elephant gift to trade. RSVP to
Games, crafts, dinner, and a movie- come in your jammies! Donations accepted for the Youth Group Fund. RSVP to
NJWOMENSONG presents "All is Calm, All is Bright,” a choral concert of musical selections inspiring hope, joy, and community during the holiday season. Join us in the sanctuary, where you’ll hear beloved holiday favorites alongside a variety of selections that capture the joyful spirit of the holidays. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. You can purchase tickets at, at the door, or in Fellowship Hall on Sundays after worship from the Women’s Association. After the performance, please join us for light refreshments and the chance to mingle with fellow music lovers.
All are welcome to our Christmas open house! Come join us as we gather in fellowship, sing Christmas carols and hymns around the piano, savor soup and bread, and enjoy a meditative art activity to embrace the meaning of the season! Invite your friends and family to join us and celebrate together! You can help welcome our guests by signing up to bring a food or drink item.
The Flemington Area Faith Leaders Association (FAFLA) invites you to join us for our annual interfaith Thanksgiving service at Flemington Jewish Community Center, 5 Sergeantsville Rd, Flemington, NJ. Stay for community fellowship after the service! We are collecting for Hunterdon Interfaith Outreach Council (HIOC). You can make a contribution at
Join our annual tradition of youth and adult members delivering turkey dinners to homebound and senior members of our congregation. It is a fun experience for all who participate!
We will meet at 11:00 a.m. to make cards and crafts, 12:30 p.m. to assemble the meals, and 1:30 p.m. to deliver the meals. Food can be pre-cooked and cold, ready for packing into individual meals.
Come join us for all or come help with part of the afternoon. Sign up to donate food and to indicate which parts of the afternoon you can help with.
Come and help the Worship Committee decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas!
Our Sunday worship service is being replaced with an all-congregation service event. Register to be a part of it! To help kick off the 2025 stewardship season - as we pledge our monetary gifts - we will also give our time and energy to packing 14,000 meals through Rise Against Hunger. Please remember to bring your 2025 pledge card to church so we can dedicate them together!
After a quick gathering in the sanctuary, we will transition to Fellowship Hall where the meal packing will begin. All ages are welcome! Get a free FPC T-shirt when you volunteer! Register by October 25 to receive your requested T-shirt size. Sign up here to register!
5th- 8th Grade Rock-a-Thon - an overnight event full of rocking, food, service, games, movies, crafts, and fun! Bring bedding, toothbrush/paste, and a change of clothes. Email for information and to RSVP.
A Window Shopping Class (New Member Class) will meet in person in the Parish House following the worship service. Grab a coffee and join us.
If you are looking for a church home or are interested in knowing more about FPC, please join us. This one-hour class is for anyone who may have questions about the Presbyterian tradition, theology, and denomination or for those who may be exploring taking the next step and becoming a member of our faith community. This is not a commitment to join but rather an informal time of sharing so interested persons can learn more about the ministry and programs of our congregation.
Please let the church office know if you will be attending by contacting us at 908-782-3227 or We look forward to seeing you and getting to know you better!
Ready for some Halloween fun? Join our Trunk or Treat - an outdoor event that’s fun for ALL ages! Please let the Christian Education committee ( know if you are interested in participating in this event by Monday, October 21.
You can participate in two ways:
1 – Have your children wear costumes and visit decorated vehicles in a family-friendly setting.
2 – Decorate your trunk with a fun theme and bring individually wrapped candy for guests.
The Women’s Association invites you to participate in a painting party in Fellowship Hall. Come to enjoy the camaraderie of a pleasant evening with painting instruction by Paint Party Farm and light snacks. It’s easy, fun, and stress free. We will be painting wineglasses for you to keep or gift for Christmas. You can sign up with your payment after church on Sundays or contact the church office.
Come One! Come All! Bring your friends!
After a brief time of readings, prayer, and song, you will be invited to come forward with your pet – or a picture of your pet – for an individual blessing with the pastor, Rev. Amy Lincoln.
Please bring a donation of pet food, which will be donated to the Flemington Food Pantry.
All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier.
Thanks be to God for the gift of life and companions on the journey!
Come out and support the FPC Deacons’ Chicken Dinner Fundraiser! We will have our famous, homemade baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, cole slaw, and corn bread along with many homemade desserts. Buffet-style in person, and take-out orders are available.
Cost: $17 adults; $12 children ages 4-12; $12 seniors (65+); $50 for family (2 adults, 2 children); $35 single parent family (1 adult, 2 children). Tickets will be sold after worship beginning September 22 and at the door.·
Payment: Cash or check payable to FPC Deacons.
Games, crafts, dinner, and a movie- come in your jammies! Donations accepted for the Youth Group Fund. RSVP to
We love being part of this community and will again have a booth at this annual event! Stop by for a friendly hello, information about Flemington Presbyterian Church, activities for kids, and candy and water!
Youth group gathering in Fellowship Hall to create care packages for our high school graduates now in college or engaged in other endeavors.
Youth are invited to join us after worship on the front lawn. Please sign up to bring a dish to share. Bring your own blanket or chair for when we eat. Fellowship and games will follow. (Be prepared for some messy games!) Any questions or to RSVP:
Everyone is invited to join us as we help harvest fresh produce at America’s Grow-A-Row for those who are experiencing food insecurity. Yes, it's on 9/11... we will be honoring the individuals who were lost by serving others. There are two possible farm harvest locations, 10 minutes apart from each other, that will be determined 3-5 days before the event. The locations are:
Pittstown Farm: 150 Pittstown Rd, Pittstown, NJ 08867
Milford Farm: 401 Woolf Rd, Milford, NJ 08848
Be ready to get dirty, work hard, and have fun! Thank you for helping us shine God's light
Please sign up here!
The Wednesday morning book group resumes meeting and will read and discuss Joan Chittister’s book The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully. Books can be picked up in the Parish House. You are invited to donate $13 to cover the cost of the book. Please join us this fall if you’d like to connect with others and ponder God’s presence with us as we age.
The Fellowship Committee invites everyone to our annual Homecoming Brunch immediately following worship. Join us for fantastic food and fellowship out on the front lawn!
We welcome all children and youth to join us at the 9:30 a.m. worship service for the commissioning of our Sunday School teachers, followed by Sunday School around 9:45 a.m. Please register your children online at Please get in touch with the church office at if you have any questions. We can’t wait to see you at church! Nursery care is available for babies aged birth - 2 years old. Josefina, Danche, and Josely are excited to be continuing with us. Bring your little ones and share a warm hello!
We will be blessing our backpacks during worship on September 8. Please bring your backpack or work bag for a special blessing on the bag you use to transport items for your week.
IT'S VIM TIME! Join us on our amazing, annual Volunteers in Mission trip to Maine the week of July 20-27. We’ll complete various housing rehabilitation projects to help folks living below the poverty level in rural, western Maine. Trip information and applications are available on the VIM page of our website.