Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Readings: Psalm 34:1–8; Mark 10:46–52
Rev. Amy Lincoln preaching. The prelude begins around 9:25 a.m.
For those worshiping remotely, connect at
Music provided by Dr. Carmen Scialla, Director of Music/Organist and Margaret Sheneman, Director of Handbells, with the Memorial Ringers; Eric Ruppel, percussion; the Sunday School Singers; and the Chancel Choir participating.
Sunday School up through 6th grade begins at 9:45 a.m. following the Children's Message in worship. 7th - 8th grade students meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish House or can join via Zoom (contact the church office for the link). Breakfast Club for high school students meets on the first and third Sundays of the month at 9:45am following the Children’s Message.
Nursery Care for children 2 years and younger is available throughout the morning.