organ specifications

Austin Organ Company                             Opus 463                                     1913, Rebuilt 1970

SWELL (enclosed)
Boudon Doux 16
Flute a Chemnee 8
Gambe 8
Voix Celeste 8
Principal 4
Flute Conique 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Quarte de Nasard 2
Plein Jeu III
Basson 16
Trompette 8
Haubois 8
Clairon 4
Swell 16
Swell 4
Swell Unison Off
Choir 8
GREAT (unenclosed)
Principal 8
Octave 4
Super Octave 2
Fourniture IV
Bourdon 8
Doppel Flute 8 (choir enclosed)
Koppel Flote 4 (choir)
Krummhorn 8 (choir)
Bombard 8 (choir enclosed)
Great 16
Great 4
Great Unison Off
Swell 16
Swell 8
Swell 4
Choir 16
Choir 8
Choir 4
Deagan Chimes (Elsa Kuhl Memorial)

CHOIR (enclosed)
Holtz Gedeckt 8
Erzahler 8
Erzahler Celeste 8
Koppel Flote 4
Prinzipal 2
Larigot 1 1/3
Sesquialtera II
Krummhorn 8
Tuba (unenclosed)
Choir 16
Choir 4
Choir Unison Off
Swell 16
Swell 8
Swell 4
Great 8


PEDAL (unenclosed)
Contra Bourdon 32
Contra Bass 16
Bourdon 16
Bourdon Doux 16 (swell)
Violone 16
Principal 8
Gambe 8 (swell)
Bourdon Doux 8 (swell)
Principal 4
Flute Conique 4 (swell)
Mixture III
Bombarde 16 (choir)
Bombarde 8 (choir)
Bassoon 16 (swell)
Hautbois 8 (swell)
Krummhorn 4 (choir)
Great 8
Great 4
Swell 8
Swell 4
Choir 8
Choir 4


Pistons/Toe Studs

10 general pistons/toe studs

6 swell divisional pistons

6 great divisional pistons

6 choir divisional pistons

5 divisional toe studs



Swell/Pedal-piston and toe stud

Great/Pedal – piston and toe stud

Choir/Pedal – piston and toe stud





Choir expression pedal

Swell expression pedal

Crescendo pedal

SFZ piston

Pedal on any manual piston adjustable

General Cancel