Welcome to our Christmas Eve services as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Please join us for online worship on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FlemingtonPresbyterian. This year’s Christmas flower dedications can be viewed here.
4 p.m. Family worship and annual Christmas pageant, with our children enacting their roles from home. Be ready to join in at home when we close with another rousing rendition of Joy to the World! We invite all children - and the young at heart - to grab an instrument or anything in your home to join us and make a joyful noise! You may also wish to gather a candle to light while singing "Silent Night, Holy Night!" along with us. Worship bulletin
8 p.m. This traditional service of lessons and carols will feature the familiar scriptures of the birth of our Lord and the lighting of the Christ candle. You may wish to gather a candle to light while we sing “Silent Night, Holy Night!” Worship bulletin